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- Careers, Advice & Guidance
“Careers” – or to use the full title Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance – takes place across St Mark’s in a range of ways.
These include pupils receiving taught classes in Years 7 to 11 in Careers as part of the PSHE curriculum and all Year 10 pupils are given the opportunity for one weeks’ work experience. Year 11 follow a bespoke programme of events, which include writing CVs, applications and taking part in an external interview, carried out by local businesspeople. Sessions are run in the Sixth Form to provide opportunities and events for all pupils to engage with specialised work experience and advice and guidance about future plans.
The Careers Library can be found off the corridor between Maths and PE, where pupils can access up-to-date sources such as leaflets, brochures and prospectuses, as well as online resources.
Unifrog - Supporting Careers Education & Guidance.
A programme bought in by St Mark's School, for use in all years, Unifrog is one of the most popular and widely used online careers programmes for teenagers. Pupils are helped to register for their own Unifrog account during PSHE lessons in year 7. They can then regularly access their account both in school and at home to access careers advice and complete activities to help them decide which career path is right for them.
Please see the attached documents for more information.
Information for Employers - If you are an employer looking for information on our careers programme or if you would like to get involved with any of our careers activities/events please contact our Careers Coordinator Sam Lee on 01279 421267 or by email s.lee@st-marks.essex.sch.uk.
Information for Teaching Staff – If you have an enquiry relating to our careers programme then please contact Careers Coordinator Sam Lee on x217 or by email.