Well done to the Year 11 football team who ended the season on a high with a solid 3-0 win over Stewards Academy! #stmarkscelebrates pic.twitter.com/gv0kFzHdWI

Well done to our Year 9 Netball team for winning the Harlow schools' tournament. They have now qualified for the WESSA final. Special mention to Layla our player of the match. #stmarkscelebrates pic.twitter.com/CE2NAtwBUh

INTO THE COUNTY FINAL! Well done to our U19 Netball team for winning 48-39 against USP College (Benfleet) in the Essex Plate semi-final. They will now compete in the Essex Plate final on Thursday. A special mention to Shamari our player of the match. #stmarkscelebrates pic.twitter.com/x5P0iO9n3h

Throughout Lent, students praying the Stations of the Cross, using the reflections from the last World Youth Day. 'We adore you O Christ, and we praise. Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.' #stmarksnews pic.twitter.com/TIn8ucXrxg

Congratulations to our Year 7 & 8 athletes for competing in the County Sports Hall Athletics Finals! A great experience against the best in Essex and perfect preparation for the summer season ahead. #stmarkscelebrates pic.twitter.com/kxEb62hivj

Flame 2025 was awe-inspiring! St Mark's took 45 students to join 10,800 other young people from around the UK. Great speakers and awesome music, all concluded with a beautifully prayerful liturgy led by Cardinal Nichols and the Bishops of England & Wales. #stmarksnews pic.twitter.com/etgPCrJOtB