Key Stage 4 - Years 10 and 11 GCSE courses

Pupils begin their GCSE courses in their option subjects in Year 10; and take public examinations in their ‘core’ and option subjects at the end of Year 11.

All pupils take the following subjects as ‘Core’: RE, English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Science (Double).

Option subjects include: 

  • Art & Design
  • Physical Education
  • Geography
  • History
  • French
  • German
  • Business 
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Design and Technology
  • Food Preparation and Nutrition
  • Biology, Chemistry, Physics
  • Computer Science
  • Health & Social Care (Cambridge National)
  • Creative iMedia (Cambridge National)

All of these subjects are followed to GCSE and it is expected that all pupils study for 10 GCSEs.

The setting of subjects takes place within the core and option subjects following patterns set out in Years 7, 8 and 9 but it is important that every child succeeds according to their individual ability; a balance of sets and groups is maintained to enable each child to fulfil his/her potential and additional support is provided, as relevant, for pupils with special learning needs.

The block timetabling currently operating retains sufficient flexibility to allow the easy movement of pupils within departmental teaching groups without changing their registration classes. Thus the network of personal relationships already established is not disturbed, nor are the opportunities limited for the eager and dedicated pupil or the late developer. Pupils are encouraged to appreciate that their efforts and enthusiasm are as important in their individual success and achievement. The roles of teacher and parent are supportive, interlocked in a necessary partnership of confidence and trust. 


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