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Catholic Communities
Working together as partners our shared love of God at the centre of all we do.
Holy Cross - http://www.holycross-pri.essex.sch.uk/
St Albans - http://www.st-albans.essex.sch.uk/
St Luke’s - http://www.st-lukesrc.essex.sch.uk/
St John Fisher - http://www.st-johnfisher.essex.sch.uk/
Parish's Assumption of Our Lady Mulberry Green, Harlow, Essex CM17 OET Tel:01279 429388 Email: harlowola@dioceseofbrentwood.org |
Holy Cross Catholic Church Tracyes Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 6JJ Tel: 01279 425776 Website: www.kuk.org.uk/hx/parish/churches.htm |
Our Lady of Fatima & St Thomas Moore Catholic Church The Presbytery, Howard Way, Harlow, Essex CM20 2NS Tel: 01279 426017 Website: http://olfstm.weebly.com |